1. Inventory - Auto Pick for Pick List 

    • JobPro has added a Create and Auto Pick button to the add pick list page, this will allow users to create a pick list and automatically pick the same quantity of items in one step.  The add all to order button has also been updated to add the inputted values rather than the estimated quantities.

  2. Bid Type available on Work Order template

    • JobPro has added a Bid Type field to display on work orders templates.  Contact JobPro support if you would like this field added to your work order print out. 

  3. Inventory – Foam tracking updated

    • Foam is currently set up to track by specific drum, with this update, companies will have the option to track foam like other inventory materials.  If you would like a demo of this new feature, please reach out to JobPro Support 

If you have any questions about this update, please contact your JobPro Support Team today!