1. Invoice Email Tracking

    • JobPro users will display invoice email information like the proposals emailed from JobPro.  The new information will display on the Reports History tab on the invoice page, after the invoice is email from JobPro.  Users can see the date the invoice was sent, date the invoice was last opened, if the invoice was sent with a payment option. 

  2. Payments Report

    • When users search for payments, there is a new column in the results called “Associated Invoices” This will show all invoices associated with a particular payment. 

  3. Salesperson on Payments

    • When a payment is created, if the customer is associated with a salesperson, the salesperson is automatically associated with the payment.  JobPro is applying an update to default the salesperson from the associated bid or job of the invoice the payment is applied to, if applicable.  If the payment is not applied to an invoice, JobPro will only default the salesperson associated with the customer. 

  4. Job Search New Columns

    • JobPro has added new columns to the Job Search: Processing Complete and Associated Invoices.  Processing Complete shows if the job has had the processing complete button clicked.  The associated invoices tab will display the invoice id, invoice status, and invoice’s email status for all the associated invoices for that job. 

  5. Updated Email Alerts

    • For all triggered email alerts such as Invoice Created, Change Order Created, Job Scheduled, etc; the following data have been added, where applicable:

    • Customer Name

    • Customer Phone

    • Customer Balance

    • Invoice Amount

    • Job Address

If you have any questions about this update, please contact your JobPro Support Team today!