Enhancements and Updates

1. Take Off Import Updates

The Import Takeoff function has been updated to include Groups, Labor Difficulty Factor, Pitch Multiplier, and Bid Details in the import file. The import takeoff function can be found in the ‘Actions’ dropdown on the bid worksheet. This function allows the user to import an excel file from their take off system directly to the bid worksheet in JobPro. 

The following fields are now available on the import file: 

Item: The item name must match the corresponding item name in JobPro. If the item names in your take off system do not match JobPro's item and the item's name in your take off system cannot be updated, contact JobPro Support so that the items can be mapped for you. 

Quantity: This is a single input quantity to add to the item on the bid worksheet 

Group Name:  JobPro will create the groups from the import file and nest the items in their corresponding group. 

Bid Details: This field maps to the bid details field on the item on the bid worksheet. The bid details will be displayed on the Proposal, Work Order, and Invoice. 

Difficulty: The difficulty factor will apply to the labor on the item on the bid worksheet as a markup.  The value should be 1.1 for a labor mark up of 10%. The difficulty factor will also apply to the estimated duration on the item. 

Pitch: The pitch factor will apply to the material quantity on the item on the bid worksheet. The value should be 1.03078 for at 3/12 pitch. 

If you have any questions about this update, please contact your JobPro Support Team today!